Yoko Ono, Acorn, 2014
Each planet has its own agenda.
Think of people close to you as planets.
Sometimes it's nice to just watch them
orbit and shine.
NDIS For Someone I Care For
Why Arts?
“Art can be a reasonable and necessary support!”
(Arts Access Victoria, What is the NDIS?, 2018)
In working with the person you care for, you could be family, a friend, or support worker. You could intimately know their needs, or be interested to help them explore new ways to be fulfilled. One place to start is to consider ways creativity has played a role in their past and in their life right now. You might also notice gaps in wellness, engagement, or inclusion. Arts can hold ways to respond to this. These are some reasons one might get involved.
Arts can celebrate the good days. Noticing the good things can be missed among other demands. Arts can also be a way to better understand challenges and offer support on the bad days. The NDIS system can help plan for higher needs.
How can art therapy or creative engagement work for the person you care for? This can look different for different people. Art Therapy and wellness engagement can be offered in diverse locations, through a variety of programs, with individualised methods. Services can respond to personal interests and goals.
Why an Art Therapist?
Working with an art therapist can offer more options based the interests of the person you care for, within informed and safe settings.
Sue Guzick is a professional member of ANZACATA and a Registered NDIS Provider. This means she can support if the NDIS plan has scope and is Self-managed, Plan Management, a combination of these, or NDIA Managed.
Please feel free to get in touch. An initial discussion can be offered without fee.
NDIS Planning and Arts
The voice of the person you care for is important in their NDIS planning. Working together as a team can help advocate for their interests. Talking to your NDIS planner will be important to include art therapy, creative engagement, and community inclusion in their goals.
“Your NDIS planning meeting is where you will need to outline why art matters to you, and why NDIS support to participate in the arts is reasonable and necessary.”
(Arts Access Victoria, What is the NDIS?, 2018)
Bright Black Art Therapy can assist you and there person you care for on ways to communicate goals.
Scope is now in the NDIS package of the person who you support. What next?
1 Say Hello
If we haven’t already met yet, get in touch. Our first contact could be with you as the carer, or directly with the person you support.
2 Initial Consultation
We will visit and do things at a speed and depth that’s comfortable for the person you care for.
We can work together more on their interests. You may have considered some of these.
We will begin to write down their interests complete initial NDIS paperwork.
Fees: When NDIS funded, service payment is provided. Based on the chosen program, minimal material fees might be discussed.
3 Get into It!
Begin art therapy and wellness explorations.....
There will be times along the way we will check-in on how it’s going. This can include input from everyone involved, including the person you care for, the session facilitators, and you.
4 NDIS Follow-up
Bright Black Art Therapy will help action NDIS paperwork. The NDIS system is new for all of us. We will keep in touch with updates.
More Information
NDIA: Its best to get information and updates directly from them. Contact NDIA and find out if you’re able to access the scheme
ANZACATA: Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapy Association